
Weekly office hours sign up sheet:

Guidelines for letters of recommendation:

1. Email your request at least four weeks in advance of the letter deadline.  

2. Send a separate email for each letter you need, except for job market letters (a list of jobs with deadlines is enough).

3. In the email subject line note the deadline first, then the purpose: "15 September, Ford foundation"

4. Please register all online requests to my Berkeley address:

5. To each email, attach your current CV; draft statement of purpose; and the description of the fellowship/job/grant with its specific requirements. 

6. For job market letters, attach also your job market cover letter, your dissertation precis and your writing samples

7. In the body of the email, specify whether submission will be online (provide the link), by email (provide both email and street address if available), or hard copy (include mailing address). Please ask for a hard copy only if no other format is accepted.

8. Note for undergraduate students: If you've only taken a large lecture course with me and I did not get to know you well, please email your GSI first if s/he would be willing to write a letter. If the answer is positive, then email me to see if I would co-sign the letter.